Thursday, April 30, 2009

Potty Trained-and lovin' it

Mason's newest accomplishment is potty training. Three weeks before Mason's birthday Grandma Sue pushed a reluctant mommy into potty training. After sabotaging me by bringing over really cool transformer pants then getting Mason to put them on Jordan and Grandma left Mommy and said now you can't go back to diapers. It had begun. The gauntlet had been thrown down and potty training was off and running. After two harrowing days Mason was picking up on potty training quickly. With the motivation of a fabulous new airplane pack that we picked out at Walmart Mason was ready to learn. Now I can happily say that potty training is complete! He can go into the bathroom by himself when he needs to go take care of his pants by himself-thanks to lots of practice with Grandma Pam when mommy needed a break from potty training. Not to mention he can sleep in his big boy pants and wake up dry. So while I was reluctant to begin potty training it has turned out very successfully within a month. Thanks for all the help and support.

1 comment:

  1. Just think of all the money you are saving on diapers. You know you love it and Mason loves being a big boy like Taylor. We will have to start earlier with James. We miss you. Love
    Grandma Sue
